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Hotel Stullerhof KG des Pöhl Georg

Owner of the Website & Copyright

Hotel Stullerhof KG des Pöhl Georg
Sitz: Stuls 2 A, 39013 Moos in Passeier (BZ), Südtirol Italien
Phone: +39 0473 649543
Fax: +39 0473 649545
Mwst. NrIT 01606800215

Webdesign, concept and tecnical realization

Passeirerstraße 10, 39015 St. Leonhard in Passeier (BZ), Südtirol Italien
Telefon: +39 0473 055871
MwSt-Nr. 02868870219

We include links from our website to other websites which we think will support your understanding of the topics covered.
These links are not only in special “links pages“ but are at relevant places throughout the site.
These links are provided for your convenience. No responsibility is assumed by Reipertinger Sportanlagen GmbH for the contents of their pages.

© Copyright Photo

Gögele Hubert
Tourismusverein Passeiertal


Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003 ("Code relating to the protection of personal data"), we would like to inform all users that the data they provide when making inquiries or reservations may be used for processing, advertising, and/or other activities of us or our partners in the tourism and hotel sector.
The data are processed in written form and/or on magnetic media, electronic media and in compliance with all security measures guaranteeing their security and confidentiality.
Apfelhotel Torgglerhof is the responsible for data processing. Affected parties can check, correct, supplement, or delete their data at any time by writing to Apfelhotel Torgglerhof, Torgglerhof Nr. 19, 39010 Saltusio (San Martino in Passiria) or to the following e-mail address

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